Canva Timelines

Last week we looked at early Polynesian migration. We read a journal article called Explorers of the Sunrise.

We collected the main dates mentioned in the article and then created a timeline using Canva. Have you used Canva before?

Here is an example of one:

Beige and Grey Minimalist Vintage Timeline History Infographic by Zahra


Kia ora koutou

In 2023 we have 23 Year 6 students. We are called The Kea Class and we are in Tōtara Pod.

Koputaroa is near Levin in a farming community.  We roughly have a roll of 200 students.

Mr Maclean is our teacher.

Our school has a school dog named Mali. Do you have a school pet?

Currently we are learning to create Pepeha.

Last week we learnt to add our school and our Pod.

Ko (school) tōku kura

Ko (Pod or learning team) tōku whānau ā-kura

Here is ours:

Ko Koputaroa tōku kura

Ko Tōtara tōku whanau ā-kura

Have you being working on your pepeha? If so, what would you say for your school and learning team or Pod?

Ka kite,




Our New Blogs

In Kea class we have been learning about why we blog and making our blog profiles. Did you know that we can use blogs at school so we can share your work, teach others, and give and receive feedback?

We made our Blog Profile in Google Drawings – and found out how to change the colour of fonts and backgrounds, as well as borders. Lots of cool shortcuts to use that are the same in Google Slides.

This week we logged into our new blog for the first time and uploaded our profiles!

Look out world, here we come!

Summer Learning Journey Tasters & Shortcuts

Hip, hip hooray. Summer is here!


We had a look at the Summer Learning Journey taster activities and those of us who finished the create task in the session posted about our learning, putting our newly acquired blog posting skills to the test.

Lily-Ann and Annabel found out quite a few new things exploring the Google Art Colouring book and looking at the art of, and information about, Frida Kahlo. Check out their posts:

In preparation for school ending we also did a few tidying up tasks, utilising some shortcuts Mr Maclean and Xavier showed us. We tidied up our Drives, using the shortcut “Control + f” to find the slide deck with instructions on it on our Class site. We also deleted all the files in our downloads folder, finding it by first using the search key to find the files folder, then “Control + a” to select all of the files and “Control + backspace” to delete them all.

We’re nearly ready for the break!  What is your favourite thing to do in your Summer break time?


Drafting Posts for Our Own Edublog

As new bloggers we are learning how to put a post together. While we have our training wheels on Mr Mac and Michelle are giving us guidance and feedback so we can learn how to write great posts and how to use our edublog to post them.

This week we learnt what a good post comprises of:

– A catchy / informative title

– An explanation of our learning

– An image or link to our work

– A question or query to engage our readers in giving feedback

Next week we will be learning how to upload them and add our links, images, or embed our work.

Here are a few drafts. What do you think we are doing well on? Any tips for improving them?

All About Me Blog Profile & First Post

Last week we started creating our Blog Profiles. This week we did our final checks on them before then logging in to our individual Edublogs and uploading them.

We checked that our blog profiles included:

  • a ‘professional’ photo
  • information about who we are (our name, Year level, class and/or school)
  • information about what we like to do and/or learn about

We also checked that they were visually appealing and easy to read – that the colours worked well, the images and backgrounds didn’t overpower our photo and information.

We uploaded them onto our blog as a new post and next week will insert it into the widget section so it also sits to the right hand side permanently.

If you would like to view them, click on our names on the slide below.

We’d appreciate hearing your feedback on the information we included and how visually appealing and easy to read they are.

Why Log a Blog?

Kia ora,

Yesterday we learnt what is a blog and why people blog (web + log = blog).

People blog for three reasons:

  • To teach others
  • To gain feedback
  • To publish and share information

We started completing the following slide deck to help us understand better:

Hopefully we will be blogging more soon. Why and what do you blog?


Kea students,


Hanga he ahanoa ako Mamati & Te tuhi i to mata pona

Below is an example of one of the Digital Learning Objects (DLOs) we made for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. We found out that a digital learning object is any digital resource that can be reused to support learning.

We learnt how to make the background immovable and insert movable objects  in Google Slides to make our DLO interactive.

We had to:

  • Decide what our Digital Learning Object will be about.
  • Who is it for?
  • What might interest them?
  • What will it need to include?
  • How will we set it out and make it work?

We then recorded our screen so our users know what to do and then share them as copy only or view only so people can use them.

Go to this link to make your own copy and have a go at Annabel’s creation.

Creating Music and Creative Commons Licences

Today we revisited the idea of copyright and learnt about Creative Commons Licences that are free to apply for to apply to our creations. These allow us to say how we would like our creations to be shared and used.

We had a go creating a “Name Song” in Chrome Music Lab Song Maker

Then we looked at which licence we’s like to apply to it.

If you’d like to listen to our songs click on our names on the slide below.